Consumer Engagement


A complete mobile wallet may contain both relevant payment methods and services that let end user store and manage loyalty points and coupons.


We have experienced that introducing Consumer engagement programs will enhance the payment solution and the overall download and usage of a payment app. Together these elements make out a complete mobile wallet.


This is in line with what several analyzes of the market says. For instance, did Forrester report last year that “By aggregating offerings, loyalty points, coupons, and product information from multiple brands on top of faster, more-convenient payments, mobile wallets enable marketers to extend the brand promise, improve conversion rates, and drive traffic and sales” (Forrester report, Thomas Husson Feb 9 2015).


Furthermore, with CroBoCom infrastructure including its hardware, applications and servers, you may facilitate a delivery of a physcial product or service in an unattended environment.


There are great variations and options on what elements you may include in your app, but below you will find a few relevant ones that have proven well in our market.